April 18, 2022
In last week’s episode, we talked about how to intentionally shape your personal brand reputation by focusing on curating what it’s like for others to interact or work with you. This is part of strategic brand experience development that works the same whether it’s about developing a company’s brand or your own personal brand.
That episode was so popular, and I heard from so many of you, that I decided to turn it into a three-part personal branding series. Personal branding is important for every stage of your career – whether you’re just getting started or whether you’ve reached the most senior levels of your organization or industry.
Foundational to a personal brand is having a very intentional self-image. And self-image is the core tenant of my business and one of the first things we’ll work on together. Because before we start working on all the *external things* you want to change about your self-image – whether that’s your job, your boss, your career path, your earning power – we have to first work on transforming you. In my business, we teach you how to define who you are, what you want, what you’re good at, what’s important to you, how you want to show up, how you present yourself, what it’s like to interact with you. And align all of that with how you wish to see yourself.
And we do this BEFORE we start making any external changes to your career or life.
Because no matter how many times you change jobs, bosses, or career paths – no matter how many businesses you start – you’re never going to get the things you want until you first change YOURSELF.
Until you define exactly what you want and what you’re great at and how you want to spend your time and what you value in a boss, culture or company, you’re always going to be chasing happiness. And you’ll always believe that happiness lies somewhere else. And while your destiny might very well lead you to somewhere else, sometimes – many times, actually – you can find the happiness and fulfillment you’re looking for right where you’re standing. By first being that person you wish to be.
If only you knew how very long and how very many job and city changes, I went through before I realized that simple fact. Well, I don’t want that for you.
So, think of this three-part series as an inner exploration that makes all the outer success you’re seeking, possible. And trust me when I tell you it will save you boatloads of time, money, heartache, frustration. All of it.
Anyway, last week’s episode was all about how you conduct yourself in the work environment. The personal brand experience you create when others work with you which goes a long way toward shaping your brand reputation, or the things you’re known for. But today, we’re going to talk about a different aspect of personal branding and that is your personal brand positioning.
Now in marketing terms, a brand positioning is defined as how a brand is different from its competition. Or another way to think about it is what it’s known for in the minds of its customers. A brand positioning is made up of many things including what the brand is good at, known for and the value it uniquely delivers to its customers.
And a personal brand positioning works the same. Because in my experience of working with hundreds of people as either clients in my business or people I’ve led in my corporate career, very few of them can articulate what they’re great at. This is true across all career stages – even people at the very top of the organization.
Now, you might be wondering why this is a problem. You might wonder why it isn’t enough to just be great at what you do everyday. And my answer is that if you want to truly be fulfilled in your career – to max out your earning potential, to love what you do AND the people you do it with – you must get clear on who you are, how you’re different from others and the value that you uniquely deliver to the organization.
That’s what we’re talking about in this episode on your personal brand positioning. Give it a listen.
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