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we'll help you build a career & life you 

Absolutely Love

Feeling a Little Stuck or Unfulfilled at Midlife?

And don't even try to ignore it because trust us, that voice is relentless.

It only grows louder.

But listen, we know it's not easy to follow it. After all, you've got a life.

So it feels kinda scary to step into the unknown at midlife. Even if you're totally over ALL of it.

It feels easier to try to talk yourself out of your dreams.

We do this by telling ourselves we're too old. Or that it's too late to go after something new.

But we want you to know that's a lie.

It's just a story your brain is telling you to try to keep you safe.

It's never too late to go after something new.

But the truth is, doing something new will require you to first BE someone new. Because what brought you here, won't get you there.

For this, you'll want to start with changing your self-image because how you see yourself determines how you show up everyday.

And if what you want isn't aligned with how you see yourself, you'll need to bridge the gap. You'll need to evolve your self-image.

That way, you start taking action that's consistent with the woman who already HAS the career and life you're dreaming of.

And when you do THAT, exciting things start to happen.

That's how you conquer big bold dreams. And how you make them last. 

Want a guide to help you get there? This is exactly what we do!

Join us. Your future is waiting. And let this be the year you FINALLY go after it.



Or a lot maybe? We get it. That idea sparks for a lot of us at 40 and beyond. 


Dreaming big is important. It's what keeps the spark alive. 

Unfortunately, at midlife most of us don't pursue them.

I think that's a travesty. And that's why I started this business.

When you work with us, you'll finally get clear about what you want. Even if you've never been clear before. 

Then you'll create the self-image, confidence, belief and commitment so you make it happen.

Our proven approach combines 30 years of corporate ladder-climbing along several stints at the helm of brands large and small, all in need of reinvention. 

Brand Strategy and reinvention - whether at a corporate or personal level - is my thing. 

All that practical experience plus certifications and study in cognitive-based coaching, positive psychology and neuroscience means that you'll have the proven formula, powerful tools and practical been-there-done-that wisdom you need to strategize and reinvent without fear and self-doubt holding you back.

So what do you think? Let's DO this!


I'm Carla Hudson, Founder of The Purposeful Career

Download the manifesto to discover the I'm-ready-for-anything, let's-get-this-done mindset my clients build. It's the foundation for the life (and career) you want.

Learn the secret to an unstoppable you