Our courses help ambitious professionals master the challenges and opportunities of mid career and midlife. Because it's not enough to focus on career. You want an all-in life. We'll help you have it.
If you're stuck, unhappy, or unclear about who you are or what you want at this stage of life, or if you feel like in your daily life, you and what you want always comes last, this course is for you.
Introducing Midlife Reset, a step-by-step guide to reconnecting with yourself, reprioritizing yourself, rediscovering your passions and your purpose at midcareer and midlife. This simple 4M's Framework makes it so easy (and fun!).
If you're tired of feeling stressed out, overwhelmed or mired down in self-doubt, uncertainty or anxiety, or if you have a problem managing your emotions in stressful situations, this course is for you.
You'll learn a proven system for gaining awareness into your thoughts and emotions as well as tools and techniques to manage them in-the-moment. So you'll be ready for anything life, your boss or anyone else, can throw at you.
Our first class opens March 2025!
Introducing MindPowered, a step-by-step guide to inner leadership and mastering mental and emotional self-command in any situation.
The Mid Career Edit is the 6-month course that'll help you re-imagine and reinvent your career and life.
This six-month course will guide you step-by-step through the process of getting clear about what you want your life to be, aligning your self-image with your new vision, building the empowered mindset you'll need to go after it and and layering in the disciplined daily habits so you bring it about. This is true, life (and career) transformation.
Our first class opens June 2025!